Aulonocara Hansbaenschi Red Flush
$20.00 – $45.00
Aulonocara Hansbaenschi Red Flush – Lake Malawi Peacock Cichlid
SPECIES/COMMON NAME: Aulonocara Nyassae / Peacocks
DISTRIBUTION/HABITAT: Lake Malawi, Africa. Open sandy/pebble bottoms with some rocks for refuge. Does well with anubias plants, minimal rock work like texas holey rock, utah lace rock.
COMPATIBILITY/TEMPERMENT: Mildly Aggressive, Tank Mate options Victorian Haps, Malawi Haps, Malawi Peacocks, Synodontis Cats, Plecostomus.
Captive Bred or Wild: Most offered are captive bred, although wild are avail they generally are not as big as captive bred males.
WATER CONDITIONS: Freshwater 72F-84F / Any colder and Ick becomes a concern, any warmer and oxygen levels are lower in the water. KH 10-15 / PH 7.2-8.4 adjustments are not recommended unless outside of this.
1 TBS Natural Solar Salt per 5 gals, slime coat additive w/ aloe vera.
DIET: Omnivore – Aulonocara peacocks readily accept most foods, its important not to overfeed as this can cause bloat, Pellets & Flakes recomended.
MAX STANDARD LENGTH: 6″ for adults males 4.5″ adult females
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SEXES/REPRODUCTION: Dimorphic / Maternal Mouthbrooder – Males are brilliantly colored females are not colorful and range from greys to browns in wild types. When Aulonocara Peacocks are 2.5″-3″ size, Males begin to color & females are ready to breed for the first time. Aulonocara Peacocks are maternal mouthbrooders, 21 days from egg to fry. heads & tails after 5 days. broods 12-48 fry. 2-3 Males w/ 9 females makes for a quality breeding group without bottle necking the genetics in offspring.
AQUARIUM SIZE: 40 gallon & up
MAINTENANCE:35% water change 1 time per month, vacuum substrate, clean glass, rotate decor, collect any fry from holding females as needed. Maintenance filters every 4 months or sooner as needed. Add water conditioners.
4" Males $45 ,2.75" Males $25 ,2.5" Females $20 |
4" Males $45 ,2.75" Males $25 ,2.5" Females $20 |
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