Aulonocara Saulosi Green Face
$25.00 – $45.00
Aulonocara Saulosi Green Face are cichlids from Lake Malawi located in Africa.? All Aulonocara are mouthbrooders, females keep fertilized eggs in their mouth for 3 weeks for full development. Heads and tails develop approx. 4-5 days mouthbrooding the eggs. Only males show bright beautiful colors, females are a grey to brown color with some barring. Looking close females may show a hint of color in the face or other parts of the body matching the males’ colors. Aulonocara Saulosi Green Face are easy to keep in clean freshwater 40 gal & up, 78F PH 7.2-8.6 hard water.? Although a variety of foods are suitable, excess feeding can cause specimens to reach extra-large sizes not common in the wild. I use small feedings of my Spirulina Flakes & Color Enhancing Pellets for uniform growth and amazing coloration.? Average mature adult size is 4″-6″ for males with females 1″-2″ smaller. Male coloration begins approx. 2″ & breeding begins 2.5″-3″ size; spawns can range 12 to 50+ eggs depending on size of female.
4" Males $45 ,3.5" Females $25 |
4" Males $45 ,3.5" Females $25 |
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